eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Draft Gear/Cushioning Unit Optimization for Train Action - Interim Report
Keywords: Buff, Train Action, Cushioning, Couple Force, Modeling, Simulation, Optimization
Abstract: This interim report describes the work done to date under Task 5 - Draft Gear/Cushioning Unit Optimization of the Track Train Dynamics program. Existing analysis tools for...
Technical Reports
Development of Techniques and Data for Evaluating Ride Quality Volume II: Ride Quality Research
Keywords: Ride quality, Passenger comfort
Abstract: Ride-quality models for city buses and intercity trains are presented and discussed in terms of their ability to predict passenger comfort and ride acceptability. This, the second...
Technical Reports
FAST Ballast and Subgrade Materials Evaluation - Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program
Keywords: Subgrade, Ballast Performance, Conventional Railway Track Support System, Materials Testing, Material Properties
Abstract: The ballast, subballast, and subgrade materials from the FAST Project at Pueblo, Colorado were evaluated. Conventional characterization testing and repeated load triaxial testing...
Technical Reports
Refurbishment of Railroad Crossties: a Technical and Economic Analysis
Keywords: Wood Refurbishment, Crosstie Reuse, Tie Deterioration
Abstract: An analysis of the principal modes of failure for wooden railroad crossties was conducted and an evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility of refurbishing these ties...
Technical Reports
Development of a System to Display and Record Slack Action in Freight Trains
Keywords: Draft-Buff, Train Handling, Train Dynamics, Locomotive Operation
Abstract: This report summarizes the development of a system which senses, displays and records the slack action or inter-car movement in freight trains. The system, called the Draft-...