eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
A Metallurgical Analysis of an ASTM A 212-B Steel Tank Car Head Plate
Keywords: impact properties; Rail Tank Cars; Pressure Vessels
Abstract: The sample was taken from the A-head plate of tank car SOEX 3033 involved in an accident near Winder, Georgia. The A-head plate was reportedly produced to specification ASTM A212-...
Technical Reports
A Metallurgical Evaluation of two AAR M128 Steel Tank Car Head Plates Used in Switchyard Impact Tests
Keywords: Impact Properties; Rail Tank Car; Tensile Properties
Abstract: The National Bureau of Standards correlated the mechanical properties and metallurgical characteristics of two steel head plate samples taken from tank cars subjected to...
Technical Reports
Major Railroad Accidents Involving Hazardous Materials Release, Composite Summaries 1969-1978
Abstract: This report presents composite summaries describing 75 major railroad accidents in which hazardous materials were released. The selected accidents occurred during the years 1969-...
Technical Reports
15th Railroad Engineering Conference Proceedings, Railroad R&D Challenges of the 80's : Opportunities & Obstacles
Abstract: This report constitutes the proceedings of the 15th Railroad Engineering Conference held at TSC on October 21-23, 1979. Conference papers were delivered by various industry and...
Technical Reports
Two-Phase Flow Model Test Facility
Keywords: hazardous materials
Abstract: This report describes test facilities for the investigation of two-phase flows. These facilities were developed under Phase I and built under Phase II of a DOT sponsored program...