eLibrary Search
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Reports to Congress
High-Speed Ground Transportation for America: CFS Report To Congress
Keywords: CFS Report To Congress, High Speed Ground Transporation, Commercial Feasibility Study
Abstract: CFS Report To Congress - September 1997 This commercial feasibility study (CFS) report examines the economics of bringing high-speed ground transportation (HSGT) to well-...
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Ground Transportation Systems - Human Factors Phase II: Design and Evaluation of Decision Aids for Control of High-Seed Trains: Experiments and Model
Keywords: Human factors, transportation, high-speed trains, safety, human performance, workload, situation awareness, decision aids, displays, human-in-the-loop simulation, model-in-the-loop simulation
Abstract: Although the speed of some guided ground transportation systems continues to increase, the reaction time and the sensory and information processing capacities of railroad...
Reports to Congress
High-Speed Ground Transportation for America
Abstract: High-speed ground transportation (HSGT) - a family of technologies ranging from upgraded existing railroads to magnetically levitated vehicles - is a passenger transportation...
Technical Reports
Summary of European High-Speed Rail Noise and Vibration Measurements
Keywords: Noise Vibration, Ground Borne Vibration, European High-Speed Trains
Abstract: Noise and ground-borne vibration measurements of European high-speed train operations were carried out during May 1995. The measurements were performed by the staff of Harris...
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Ground Transportation Systems, Track Lateral Shift: Fundamentals and State-of-the-Art Review
Keywords: Track Lateral Shift; High-speed rail; track/vehicle analysis; track panel shift
Abstract: This report presents a review of the state of the art of track lateral shift analysis, with improved concepts for safety evaluation of high speed trains generating track shift...