eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Construction Loads Experienced by Plastic Composite Ties
Keywords: Plastic tie, composite tie, tie insertion, tie nipping, bending loads
Abstract: Damage to plastic composite ties during handling and track installation has been reported by a number of railroads. Results from a survey conducted to identify specific handling...
Technical Reports
Multifunction LIDAR Sensors for Noncontact, Speed, and Complex Rail Dynamics
Keywords: LIDAR, noncontact velocity measurement, curvature, alignment, ATGMS, track geometry, Railway Technologies Laboratory, Virginia Tech
Abstract: The results of an extensive series of tests are presented to evaluate the viability and applicability of LIDAR systems for measuring track speed, distance, and curvature in...
Technical Reports
Rail Base Corrosion and Cracking Prevention
Keywords: Rail base corrosion, corrosion, corrosion treatments, fatigue, rail life
Abstract: Rail base corrosion combined with fatigue or damage can significantly reduce rail life. Studies were done to examine the relative contribution of damage, corrosion, and fatigue on...
Technical Reports
Load Environment of Rail Joint Bars—Phase II Joint Bar Service Environment and Fatigue Analysis
Keywords: Strain levels, joint bar fatigue analysis, residual stress, joint bar strength
Abstract: Detailed analysis of measured bending strains shows that the foundation deflections have the most significant effect on the magnitude of strains. All other factors, such as track...
Technical Reports
Effect of an Active Another Train Coming Warning System on Pedestrian Behavior at a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing
Keywords: highway-rail, grade crossing, pedestrian behavior; second train, violations, enhancement, safety, Train Activations
Abstract: This study evaluated a technology that alerts pedestrians to the presence of a second train at grade crossings.