eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Compilation of State Laws and Regulations Affecting Highway-Rail Grade Crossings, 7th Edition
Keywords: grade crossings; crossing consolidation; crossing closure; warning devices; passive; active; driver; trespassing; vandalism
Abstract: Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Warning Systems, Highway-Rail Grade Crossings, Trespasser Programs Keywords
Research Results
Rail Crossing Violation Warning Application – Phase II
Keywords: Grade crossing, Connected Vehicles, CV, Dedicated Short-Range Communications, DSRC, Global Navigation Satellite Systems, GNSS, real-time kinematic, RTK, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE 1570, Rail Crossing Violation Warning, RCVW, t
Abstract: Using Connected Vehicle ideas, the Rail Crossing Violation Warning system design can potentially enhance and transform rail crossing safety.
Research Results
Trespass Prevention Research Study – Worcester, MA
Keywords: Railroad trespassing, trespass prevention, right-of-way trespass, railroad safety, stakeholder engagement
Abstract: This report shows the benefits of, document the lessons learned from, and provide recommendations for the implementation and evaluation of trespass prevention strategies.
Research Results
Automated Video Inspection System for Grade Crossing Safety
Keywords: VisioStack, RailLinks, artificial intelligence, forward-facing video, grade crossing safety
Abstract: FRA sponsored a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) task to help reduce incidents at highway-rail crossings and improve the safety of both vehicles and pedestrians.
Reference Materials
National Grade Crossing Safety and Trespass Prevention Infographic March 2021
Keywords: grade crossing, trespassing, trespass prevention