eLibrary Search
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Safety Advisories
Importance of Clear Safety Procedures - Highway-rail grade crossing warning systems
Keywords: Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Warning Systems; fail-safe; wayside signal ; crossing warning device
Technical Reports
Intruder and Obstacle Detection Systems (IODS) for Railroads -1998 Requirements Workshop
Keywords: Railroad grade crossing safety, Critical infrastructure protection, Signal technology, Physical security, Railroad police, high speed rail
Abstract: At this workshop, industry participants and stakeholders discussed requirements for intruder and obstacle detection systems for rail tracks and grade crossings.
Technical Reports
Fire Safety of Passenger Trains; Phase II: Application of Fire Hazard Analysis Techniques
Keywords: Fire Safety, Fire models, fire test methods, Hazard analysis, Heat release rate, Passenger trains, Fire hazard assessment, Fire computer modeling, Small-scale fire tets, Large scale fire tests, Furniture Calorimeter, Cone Calorimeter, Egress
Abstract: A comprehensive multi-phase fire safety research program is being conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology to demonstrate the practicality and effectiveness...
Technical Reports
Locomotive Crashworthiness Research: Modeling, Simulation and Validation
Keywords: Locomotive, Crashworthiness, Analysis, Simulation, Safety dynamic
Abstract: A technique was developed to realistically simulate the dynamic, nonlinear structural behavior of moving rail vehicles and objects struck during a collision. A new approach...
Technical Reports
Vehicle Proximity Alert System for Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings-Prototype Research
Keywords: Grade crossing safety; highway-railroad grade crossings; alert systems; alarm systems; prototype testing; tests; priority vehicles; vehicle proximity alerting systems
Abstract: This study assessed vehicle proximity alert systems designed to help priority vehicles like school buses and emergency vehicles detect trains at grade crossings.