eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Technical Reports
Reducing Major Rule Violations in Commuter Rail Operations: Distraction and Its Mitigation with Sustained Attention Training
Keywords: CTILWEB, Attention; commuter rail; distraction; locomotive engineers; rule violations; training
Abstract: : Transportation Services conducted two experiments in the Cab Technology Integration Laboratory (CTIL) using animated operating scenarios that were designed to simulate elements...
Human Factors Evaluation of an Experimental Locomotive Crew Station
Keywords: CTIL, CTILWEB; Human Factors; Human-in-the-loop Testing; Ergonomics; Ergonomic Design; Controls Design; Usability;
Abstract: A human factors evaluation of an experimental engineer control system was conducted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center) using a locomotive...
Washington, DC
United States
Accident Investigations
HQ-2016-1141 (Finalized)
Keywords: Head-on collision; BNSF; Panhandle, TX; fatalities; fire; derailment; human factors
Abstract: At approximately 8:21 a.m., CDT, eastbound BNSF Railway (BNSF) intermodal freight train, S-LACLPC1-26K, travelling at a recorded speed of 54 mph, collided head-on with westbound...
Panhandle, TX
United States
Other Reports
Section 610 Periodic Review of Railroad Accidents/Incidents: Reports Classification and Investigations (49 CFR Part 225)
Keywords: economic impact
Abstract: The purpose of this document is to provide information and further details on the determination of the economic impact on small entities of 49 CFR Part 225, Railroad Accidents/...
Moving Map Displays: Using CTIL and Eye-Tracking Technologies to Measure Operator Glance Durations and Performance in Locomotive Cabs
Keywords: CTIL; CTILWEB; Automation; Distraction; Human-Error; Eye-tracking; Moving Map; iPad;
Abstract: Distraction is a growing problem in the cabs of modern locomotives. The 2008 commuter train collision at Chatsworth, CA resulting in 28 fatalities, points to the dangers of...
Washington, DC
United States