eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Quasi-Static Research Testing of Workstation Tables
Keywords: Passenger rail car, workstation tables, energy absorption, interior crashworthiness, train collision safety
Abstract: Sharma & Associates, Inc. (SA) performed quasi-static destructive loading tests on two different designs of passenger workstation tables in accordance with the requirements of...
Technical Reports
Unmanned Aircraft System Applications in International Railroads
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, UAS, international railroad, Beyond Visual Line of Sight, BVLOS, ground penetrating radar, UAS technology
Abstract: This report summarizes the current uses and issues associated with Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in railroad applications, and provides the use cases employed by railroads. The...
Accident Investigations
HQ-2017-1239 (Finalized)
Keywords: derailment; Amtrak; DuPont, WA; Cascades passenger train service; fatalities; human factors
Abstract: At 7:33 a.m., PST, southbound National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) Passenger Train Number 501 (Train 501) derailed in an 8-degree, 22-minute, left-hand curve at...
DuPont, WA
United States
Technical Reports
Abdomen Impact Testing of the Hybrid III Rail Safety (H3-RS) Anthropomorphic Test Device
Keywords: Hybrid III Rail Safety, H3-RS, Anthropomorphic Test Device, ATD, workstation table, abdomen, biofidelity
Abstract: The Hybrid III Rail Safety (H3-RS) anthropomorphic test device (ATD) is a crash test dummy that was developed in the UK to evaluate abdomen and lower thorax injuries that occur...
Research Results
A Preliminary Design for a Heads-Up Display for Rail Operations
Keywords: CTILWEB, Heads-Up Display, situation awareness, engineer, locomotive, hybrid Cognitive Task Analysis, information requirements, head/body tracking
Abstract: This research project designed a locomotive Heads-Up Display (HUD), a secondary display that helps the operator locate possible hazards in the surrounding environment while...