eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
TLV Status Report
Keywords: Air Cushion, Tracked Levitated Vehicles, High Speed Ground Transportation, Research
Abstract: The worldwide status of Tracked Levitated Vehicle (TLV) technology and an assessment of its development, sponsored by the Advanced Technology Program within the Office of Research...
Technical Reports
Parametric Analyis of Railway Line Capacity
Keywords: Railroad Operations, Simulation Models
Abstract: The problem of analyzing the capability of a rail line to absorb additional traffic has become increasingly important recently as various means of consolidating and expanding...
Technical Reports
Comparison of Two HSGT Magnetic Suspension Systems (Attraction)
Keywords: Tracked Levitated Vehicles, Electromagnetic Suspension, High Speed Ground Transportation
Abstract: Two alternate attraction magnetic suspension systems are compared on a magnetic performance basis as well as on their lift-to-weight (l/w) capabilities. On an equal current basis...
Technical Reports
Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Program (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Executive Summary
Keywords: Vehicle Dynamics, Ride Quality, Superconducting Magnets, Guideway and Systems Analysis
Abstract: This report is an Executive Summary of FRA report 0R&D-75-21 which summarizes studies to establish the technology of repulsion magnetic suspension for ultimate use in a...
Technical Reports
Parameter Optimization Studies of Magnetic Suspensions for High Speed Ground Transportation
Keywords: magnetic levitation; high speed ground transportation; lift-to-drag ratio; non-linear magnetic behavior; finite-height guideways; slotted and ladder tracks
Abstract: The present study is part of a program, sponsored by the Office of Research, Development and Demonstrations, Federal Railroad Administration, to investigate efficient, cost-...