eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Guided Ground Transportation Systems: Review of Existing EMF Guidelines, Standards and Regulations.
Keywords: Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF); Maglev; Electrified Rail Systems; EMF Exposure; Guidelines; Standards and Regulations; International; Federal; State and Local EMF Activities
Abstract: To assess the state of knowledge about anticipated electric and magnetic field (EMF) exposures from electrical transportation systems, including electrically powered rail and...
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Guided Ground Transportation Systems: The Biological Effects of Maglev Magnetic Field Exposures
Keywords: Magnetic levitation, Maglev, Biological effects, Neurotransmitter effects, Pineal Effects, Melatonin
Abstract: This report describes selected biological effects on transformed human cell lines and on rats from exposure to simulated maglev magnetic fields (MFs). Rats (n = 6 per group) were...
Technical Reports
Tank Car Manufacturing/Repair/Retest Facility Evaluation Form
Keywords: Inspector, Guidelines, Nondestructive Inspection
Abstract: An evaluation form has been developed to aid Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) inspectors in recording data when examining tank car manufacturing and repair facilities, when...
Technical Reports
Locomotive Control Compartment Safety Program: Locomotive Heavy Axle Load Tests
Keywords: Safety Performance, NUCARS, Vehicle Dynamics, AAR Chapter XI Tests
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration sponsored a program to evaluate the wheel on rail dynamic safety performance of locomotives with increased cab weight at the Transportation...
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Guided Ground Transportation Systems: Magnetic and Electric Field Testing of the French Train A Grande Vitesse (TGV) Volume II- Appendices
Keywords: Electric and Magnetic Fields, Static Magnetic Field, Extreme Low Frequency, Train a Grande Vitesse, Electric Locomotive
Abstract: The safety of magnetically Levitated (maglev) end high speed rail (HSR) trains proposed for application in the United States is the responsibility of the Federal Railroad...