eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Evaluation of Two Prototype Devices for Non-Destructively Measuring Stresses in Railroad Wheels
Keywords: Nondestructive Evaluation, NDE, Residual Stress Measurement
Abstract: Two devices designed to non-destructively determine the residual stress state of railroad wheels were evaluated. The first device was a magnetoacoustic design developed by the...
Technical Reports
Low Cost Guideways for Maglev
Keywords: Reinforced Concrete Design, Structural Design, Dynamic Beam Analysis, Fiber Reinforced Plastic, Spreadsheet Analysis Program, Magnetic Field Calculation
Abstract: This report presents results of research aimed at developing structural requirements for a guideway to be used for maglev systems. The work progresses from initial conceptual...
Technical Reports
Maglev System Concept Definition: Maglev System Concept Definition Report
Keywords: Superconducting Magnet, Guideway, Vehicle, Linear Motor, Cryostat, Bogie, System Costs
Abstract: This report presents the Foster-Miller Maglev System Concept, which is based on the electrodynamic repulsive principle using superconducting magnets. The system uses a null-flux...
Other Reports
System Concept Definition Report for the National Maglev Initiative: Volume 1
Keywords: Executive Summary, System Specifications, Performance Analysis, Environmental Impact
Abstract: Existing transportation technology is nearing saturation and cannot meet projected demands. Airlines have saturated the airspace at major hubs. Automobiles will require 40-lane...
Other Reports
System Concept Definition Report for the National Maglev Initiative: Volume 2
Keywords: System Description, System Specifications, Performance Analysis, Environmental Impact
Abstract: Existing transportation technology is nearing saturation and cannot meet projected demands. Airlines have saturated the airspace at major hubs. Automobiles will require 40-lane...