eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Technical Reports
Investigation of the Relationship between Crashworthiness Performance and Weight for High-Speed Train Operations in the U.S.
Keywords: High-speed train, crashworthiness, weight, seats, structural fire protection, energy absorber, occupant volume strength
Technical Reports
Cyber Security Risk Management for Connected Railroads
Keywords: Cyber security, communications, risk, connected railroad
Technical Reports
Wireless Digital Train Line for Passenger Trains
Keywords: Digital train line, wireless connectivity, 5G, WiDTL, user/control plane, high-speed rail, passenger rail service
Abstract: This research project evaluated current wireless communication standards used by high-speed passenger rail services around the globe and determined, based on those findings, an...
Technical Reports
Conventional and Crash Energy Management Locomotive Coupling Tests
Keywords: Locomotives, crashworthiness, railcars, couplers, override, collision, injury, impacts
Abstract: Crash energy management (CEM) components which can be integrated into the end structure of a locomotive were developed: a push-back coupler (PBC) and a deformable anti-climber (...
Technical Reports
Crashworthy Components Retrofit for F40 Locomotive
Keywords: Locomotives, rail cars, override, collision, injury, impacts, testing, crash energy management, push-back coupler, anti-climber
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration and the Volpe Center continue to evaluate new technologies for increasing the safety of passengers and operators in rail equipment. In...