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Technical Reports
Interaction and Load Transfer in Track Support Structures, Part 1: One-, Two- and Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction Finite Element Procedures and Verification
Keywords: Truly Triaxial Testing, Cyclic Shear Testing, Constitutive Modelling, Verifications, Design, Maintenance
Abstract: This final report is presented in two parts, and is in continuation of two previous reports prepared under this contract. Part 1 contains details of the development of finite...
Technical Reports
Interaction and Load Transfer in Track Support Structures, Part 2: "Testing and Constitutive Modelling of Materials and Interfaces"
Keywords: Truly Triaxial Testing, Cyclic Shear Testing, Constitutive Modelling, Verifications, Design, Maintenance
Abstract: This final report is presented in two parts, and is in continuation of two previous reports prepared under this contract. Part 1 contains details of the development of finite...
Technical Reports
Track Component Property Tests Volume II: Rails, Ties, Joint Bars and Fasteners
Keywords: Bending Stiffness, Rotation Resistance, Torsional Rigidity
Abstract: This report describes the test procedures and results from a series of tests on the physical properties of concrete ties, rails, joint bars and rail fasteners, conducted at the...
Technical Reports
Laboratory Study to Determine the Effects of Tie Pad Stiffness on the Attenuation of Impact Loads in Concrete Railway Ties
Keywords: impact loads
Abstract: The effect of tie pad stiffness on the bending moments produced by impact loading of concrete railroad ties was investigated in laboratory tests. Controlled impact loads were...
Technical Reports
MARTA "C" Standard Profile Energy Consumption
Abstract: The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) "C" Car underwent energy consumption testing as part of a broader array of characteristic tests. The test objectives,...