eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Technical Reports
Rail Garrison - Vehicle Stationary Vibration Tests
Keywords: Railcar Accelerations, Seismic Vibrations, Vibration Enivironment, TTC
Abstract: The United States Air Force (USAF/BMO) requested support from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to assist in technical issues related to the development of the Peacekeeper...
Other Reports
Infrared Measurements of Heating and Cooling Emissions at a Crack Tip During Tensile and Cyclic Loading
Keywords: Aluminum, Steel, Stress Concentration, Thermoelastic Effects
Abstract: A new thermographic method based on the measurement of infrared (IR) emission from the surface of a loaded body was used to study the cooling and heating in aluminum and steel...
Technical Reports
Determinations of Dynamic Fracture Toughness Properties of Rail Steels
Keywords: Fracture Mechanics, Residual Stress, Finite Element Analysis, Crack Arrest, Full-Section Impact Test, Beam-on-Elastic Foundational Model
Abstract: Motivated by the occurrence of a long-running rail web fracture in service, dynamic fracture mechanics research was undertaken to (1) quantify the crack driving force due to the...
Technical Reports
Investigation of Rail Bolt Hole Cracks
Keywords: Fretting, Rail, Rail End, Fatigue, Crack Initiation, Crack Growth, Corner Cracks, Bolt Holes, Stress Intensity Factor
Abstract: This document is a collection of two reports on the rail bolt hold crack. part I describes the development of a model based on beam-on-elastic foundation analysis to calculate the...
Technical Reports
Radiated Interference in Rapid Transit Systems- Volume II: Suggest Test Procedures
Keywords: Rapid Transit, Radiated, EMI, Testing
Abstract: This report presents a suggested test procedure for measuring the radiated electromagnetic interference emanating from rail transit vehicles with electric propulsion. Testing rail...