eLibrary Search
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Research Results
Keywords: Crashworthiness, dynamic sled testing, ATDs, rail passenger safety, secondary impacts, finite element analysis
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration sponsored research...
Technical Reports
Impact of Advanced Train Control Technologies on Rail Network Safety and Operational Performance
Keywords: Advanced braking system, ABS, braking characteristics, freight train, network capacity, network velocity, passenger train, Positive Train Control, PTC, shared corridor, track utilization, train delay
Abstract: From September 2018 to September 2021, the Federal Railroad Administration contracted Sharma & Associates to conduct an analysis of simulation results from a 5,000-mile...
Technical Reports
Automated Train Operations Sensor Platform Framework Requirements
Keywords: Automated train operation, ATO, Sensor Platform, SP, ATO Sensor Platform, ATO SP, environmental monitoring, hazard detection, SP reference model, SP Framework, SP requirements, train control
Abstract: The Sensor Platform (SP) Framework was a system engineering project conducted in conjunction with the Association of American Railroads-funded development of automated train...
Technical Reports
Load Environment Characterization of Tank Car Stub Sill During Revenue Operations
Keywords: Tank Cars, Rail, Stub Sill Failures, Impact Test, Yard Operation, Mainline Operation, Main Operation, Car Coupling, Draft Gear, Instrumented Couplers
Abstract: Fractures in the stub sills of tank cars pose a significant problem for the rail industry due to the potential for damage to the tank structure and possible release of the...
Technical Reports
Development of a Bayesian Network-Based Accident Model for Hazmat Unit Trains
Keywords: Risk analysis, unit trains, hazmat
Abstract: The objective of this research project was to develop a predictive risk model for the release of hazardous material transported in unit trains using data science techniques for...