eLibrary Search
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Research Results
North Carolina Department of Transportation's "Sealed Corridor" Assessment - Phase IV
Keywords: Sealed Corridor, private grade crossing, grade crossing improvements, safety benefits
Abstract: This report assesses Phase IV of North Carolina's Sealed Corridor program, which closed or added warning devices to 44 private crossings from 1990 to 2008.
Technical Reports
Success Factors in the Reduction of Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Incidents from 1994 to 2003
Keywords: highway-rail intersections, safety
Abstract: This study investigated 10 factors that improved grade crossing safety by 41% between 1994 and 2003.
Technical Reports
The Impact of Participatory Safety Rules Revision on Incident Rates, Liability Claims, and Safety Culture in the U.S. Railroad Industry
Keywords: Railroad safety culture, safety rules revision, safety rules consolidation, compliance, Federal Employer’s Liability Act, FELA, incident rates, liability claims, lessons learned
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration Human Factors Research and Development Program sponsored a lessons learned study to examine the impact of safety rules revision on safety...
Technical Reports
Highway Rail-Grade Crossing Safety Research: Railroad Infrastructure Trespassing Detection Systems Research
Keywords: Right of way, Trespass detection, deterrent system, Railroad bridge, Security system, Motion detectors, Infrared illuminators, central processing units
Abstract: Researchers evaluated a prototype video-based trespassing prevention system that used an attendant to warn trespassers in real time and to contact police if necessary.
Technical Reports
Crashworthiness Design Modifications for Locomotive and Cab Car Anticlimbing Systems
Keywords: Crashworthiness, Anticlimbing, Collisions, Passenger rail vehicles, Freight locomotives
Abstract: This study addressed the feasibility of incorporating complete anticlimbing systems into both passenger and freight locomotives. Complete systems include pushback couplers,...