eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Framework for Wheel Life Model – Phase I
Keywords: Rolling contact fatigue, contact stress, crack growth, crack initiation, creep, fatigue strength, heat treatment, pearlite, wheel damage map, quenching, residual stress, S-660, shakedown, time-temperature-transformation, tread-braking
Technical Reports
Full-Scale Rollover Test and Corresponding Analytical Modeling – Survivability of Top Fittings for CPC-1232 Tank Car
Keywords: Full-scale testing, fittings, protection, rollover, tank car, tank car safety, CPC-1232 car
Abstract: A full-scale rollover test was performed on a CPC-1232 tank car body to determine the survivability of the top fittings and provide a comparison to past tank car-type rollover...
Technical Reports
Railroad Energy Intensity and Criteria Pollutant Emissions
Keywords: Railroad, energy intensity, emissions, life cycle analysis, GREET®, greenhouse gases, regulated emissions, energy, air pollutant emissions, locomotive, diesel fuel, alternative fuel
Abstract: A tiered emission factors table was developed by Argonne National Laboratory to populate its Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET®) model...
Technical Reports
Locomotive Performance and Engine Durability Assessment of B5 to B20 Biodiesel Fuel Usage
Keywords: Biodiesel, engine components, fuel, elastomers, O-rings, 20 percent biodiesel, B20, 5 percent biodiesel, B5, durability, locomotive
Abstract: This report summarizes work performed by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI®) to investigate the durability of several locomotive engine components under various blends of...
Technical Reports
A Survey of Wheel/Rail Friction
Keywords: Friction, friction management, lubrication, vehicle-track interaction, wheel-rail interaction v
Abstract: Friction has a huge influence on the vehicle/track interaction and yet it remains poorly understood, its consideration an afterthought in many simulation activities. This survey...