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Technical Reports
Mitigation of Differential Movement at Railway Transitions for U.S. High-Speed Passenger Rail and Joint Passenger/Freight Corridors
Keywords: Railway transitions; bridge approach; differential movement; high-speed passenger rail; freight rail; ballast; tie-ballast gap; settlement; transient response; numerical modeling
Abstract: To address the need to minimize differential movement at railway transitions for joint high-speed passenger and freight routes in the U.S., this research study identified and...
Technical Reports
A 3D Scanning Method to Measure Concrete Crosstie Geometry
Keywords: infrastructure, railroad ties, 3D scanning, tie cross-section parameters, transfer length, shape factor, prestressed concrete, high speed rail
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration sponsored Kansas State University (K-State) in research to improve the design and performance of crossties. K-State used a Creaform...
Technical Reports
Reference Document: Reducing Hazards Associated with Visual and Automation-Aided Track Inspections: Supplementary Information
Keywords: Track research, track inspection, inspection, automated inspection, automation-aided inspection, railroad, track safety, safety, human factors, passenger rail, systems-theoretic process analysis, STPA, STAMP, track geometry measurement system, TGMS, aTGMS
Abstract: This document provides supplementary information to accompany the previously published Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) report titled Reducing Hazards Associated with...
Technical Reports
Advanced Modeling of Wheel-Rail Friction Phenomena
Keywords: wheel-rail contact, creep force, friction, interfacial layer, simulation
Abstract: From 2017–2019, the Federal Railroad Administration sponsored VORtech and its project partners to develop advanced physics-based modeling of wheel-rail friction. Sub-models...
Technical Reports
Aerodynamic Assessment and Mitigation – Design Considerations for High-Speed Rail
Keywords: High-speed rail, train aerodynamics, train slipstream, pressure pulse, tunnels, passenger safety, passenger comfort, ballast flight, aerodynamic drag, crosswinds, aerodynamic testing, aerodynamics, aerodynamic assessment
Abstract: This report presents the means to identify and assess impacts and mitigation methods for aerodynamic effects of high-speed trains on high-speed rail corridors for designers,...