eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Technical Reports
Reducing Hazards Associated with Visual and Automation-Aided Track Inspections
Keywords: Track research, track inspection, inspection, automated inspection, automation-aided inspection, railroad, track safety, safety, human factors, passenger rail, systems-theoretic process analysis, STPA, STAMP, systems-theoretic accident model and process,
Research Results
Field Investigation of Broken Cut Spikes on Elastic Fasteners Using Instrumented Spikes
Keywords: Broken spikes, instrumented spikes, elastic fastening systems, in-track investigation, strain measurement
Research Results
Trespass Prevention Research Study – Worcester, MA
Keywords: Railroad trespassing, trespass prevention, right-of-way trespass, railroad safety, stakeholder engagement
Abstract: This report shows the benefits of, document the lessons learned from, and provide recommendations for the implementation and evaluation of trespass prevention strategies.
Research Results
Bond-Slip Relationships of Wires Used in Pretensioned Concrete Railroad Ties
Keywords: Concrete railroad ties, crossties, bond, pullout test, transfer length, transmission length, prestressed concrete, pretensioned concrete, indented wire
Technical Reports
Automated Broken Spike Detection – Phase I
Keywords: Automated inspection, nondestructive testing, ultrasonic testing, spike breakage