eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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2015 TRB R&D Quad Charts
Keywords: quad charts; Research and Development; TRB
Washington, DC
United States
Technical Reports
Evaluation of Wheel/Rail Contact Mechanics: Concepts Report
Keywords: Roller Rig, Wheel-Rail Contact Mechanics, Rail Vehicle Dynamics, Contact Patch Dynamics, Wheel Forces and Moments
Abstract: A need exists for a new test rig design with advanced sensing technologies that will allow the railroad industry and regulatory agencies to better understand the wheel-rail...
Research Results
UIUC Concrete Tie and Fastener Field Testing at TTC
Keywords: Concrete crossties, elastic fastening systems, field instrumentation, concrete sleepers, loading conditions, displacements
Research Results
Ground Penetrating Radar Evaluation and Implementation
Keywords: GPR, ground penetrating radar, ballast, subballast, substructure, fouled ballast, ballast moisture
Technical Reports
Construction Loads Experienced by Plastic Composite Ties
Keywords: Plastic tie, composite tie, tie insertion, tie nipping, bending loads
Abstract: Damage to plastic composite ties during handling and track installation has been reported by a number of railroads. Results from a survey conducted to identify specific handling...