eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Track Support Systems Parameter Study- Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program
Keywords: Conventional Railway Track Support Systems; Ballast; Subballast; Subgrade; Transient Response; Structural Model; Track
Abstract: A finite element structural analysis model for conventional railway track support systems (CRTSS) has previously been developed. This study includes parameter studies and...
Technical Reports
Freight Car Truck Design Optimization: Truck Economic Data Collection and Analysis
Keywords: Freight Car Truck Operating Costs, Freight Car Economic Model, Freight Car Truck Economic Data Collection
Abstract: A first interim report covering the development of the TDOP economic methodology was published by the Federal Railroad Administration in April 1975. It contains the truck...
Technical Reports
Report on the Regulatory Reform Provisions of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976
Keywords: 4R Act, ICC, Reforms, Rate Related Changes, Non-rate Related Changes
Abstract: This report discusses the regulatory reform provisions of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (4R Act), how the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) has...
Technical Reports
Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Prediction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics - Volume I: Technical Report
Keywords: Computer Modeling Frequency, Domain Computer Programs, Lateral Dynamic Stability
Abstract: Frequency domain computer programs developed or acquired by TSC for the analysis of rail vehicle dynamics are described in two volumes. Volume I defines the general analytical...
Technical Reports
Frequency Domain Computer Programs for Prediction and Analysis of Rail Vehicle Dynamics - Volume II: Appendixes
Keywords: Computer Modeling Frequency, Domain Computer Programs, Lateral Dynamic Stability
Abstract: Frequency domain computer programs developed or acquired by TSC for the analysis of rail vehicle dynamics are described in two volumes. Volume I defines the general analytical...