eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Track Support Systems Parameter Study- Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program
Keywords: Conventional Railway Track Support Systems; Ballast; Subballast; Subgrade; Transient Response; Structural Model; Track
Abstract: A finite element structural analysis model for conventional railway track support systems (CRTSS) has previously been developed. This study includes parameter studies and...
Technical Reports
Lightning and Its Effects on Railroad Signal Circuits
Keywords: Lightning, Railroad Circuits, Lightning Damage, Surge Protection
Abstract: This study discusses the occurrence of lightning, its effects on railroad signal equipment, and protection of such equipment from lightning damage, with special attention to known...
Technical Reports
Development of a Structural Model and Materials Evaluation Procedures- Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program
Keywords: Structural Analysis Model; Finite Element Method; Track Support System; Ballast; Material Testing
Abstract: An adequate engineering analysis of conventional railway track support system (CRTSS) requires the consideration of all the major components of the track support system. Past...
Other Reports
Energy and Environmental Factors in Railroad Electrification
Keywords: Modal Shifts, Alternatives to Petroleum, Environmental Factors
Abstract: [From the Introduction] Railroad electrification recently has received attention from both industry and government. For the railroads, any decision to electrify trackage will...
Technical Reports
DYNALIST II - a Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems : Volume I : Technical Report
Keywords: Rail Vehicle Dynamics, Rail Vehicle Stability, Ride Quality, Computer Modeling, Modal Synthesis
Abstract: A methodology and a computer program, DYNALIST II, have been developed for computing the response of rail vehicle systems to sinusoidal or stationary random rail irregularities....