eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Eastern European Track Structure Technology and Research
Keywords: Ballast, Lateral Resistance, Ties, Rail Fasteners, Track Buckling, Poland, Hungary, Romania
Abstract: Cooperative agreements between the United States and the Eastern European countries of Poland, Hungary and Romania provide for the exchange of technical research and...
Technical Reports
Investigation of Design Standards for Urban Rail Transit Elevated Structures
Keywords: Design Criteria, Literature Review, Comparison
Abstract: The purpose of this report was to review the various criteria for design of elevated rail transit structures currently in use by selected transit properties and to compile them in...
Technical Reports
Rail-Highway Crossing Resource Allocation Model
Keywords: Hazard Index; Accident Prediction, Benefit/Cost Ratio; Warning Device
Abstract: This report describes a procedure for optimizing the safety impact of grade crossing funding distribution, based on accident rates and cost effectiveness of warning...
Technical Reports
Pilot Study for Definition of Track Component Load Environments
Keywords: Transit Track Design, Track Instrumentation, Transit Track Testing, Track Costs
Abstract: This report describes the results of an experimental and analytical effort to define the vehicle induced load environment in an at-grade, concrete tie/ballast transit track...
Technical Reports
Fatigue Crack Growth Properties of Rail Steels
Keywords: Fatigue Crack Propagation, Chemical Composition, Mechanical Properties, Mixed Mode Loading, Surface Flaws
Abstract: Fatigue crack propagation properties of rail steels were determined experimentally. The investigation covered 66 rail steels. The effects of the following parameters were studies...