eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Rail Transit System Cost Study
Keywords: Rapid Rail, Light Rail, Commuter Rail, Cost Analysis
Abstract: The Transportation Systems Center serves as Systems Manager for the Rail Supporting Technology Program of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. One task under this...
Technical Reports
Study of Friction and Creep Between Steel Wheels and Rails
Keywords: Adhesion, Traction, Contact Zone
Abstract: A systematic experimental, parametric and similitude investigation of the friction and creep behavior of a steel wheel rolling on a steel rail is given. Laboratory investigation...
Technical Reports
Pilot Study for the Characterization and Reduction of Wheel/Rail Loads - Field Measurement and Data Reduction Plan
Keywords: Load Measurement Instrumentation, Track Dynamic Response, Vehicle Dynamic Response
Abstract: This report was prepared as part of the Improved Track Structures Research Program sponsored by the Office of Rail Safety Research of the Federal Railroad Administration. A survey...
Technical Reports
In-Service Performance and Costs of Methods for Control of Urban Rail System Noise: Experimental Design
Keywords: Resilient Wheels, Damped Wheels, Rail Grinding, Noise Reduction, Cost Analysis, Wheel-Rail Noise
Abstract: This report presents an experimental design for a project to evaluate four techniques for reducing wheel-rail noise on urban rail transit systems: (a) resilient wheels, (b) damped...
Technical Reports
Linear Induction Motor Research Vehicle Wheel/Rail Adhesion Test
Keywords: Linear Induction Motor, LIM Research Vehicle, Wheel/rail Adhesion, Surface Transportation
Abstract: A principal factor in the design of effective propulsion and braking systems for new rail transportation equipment is the available adhesion vs speed characteristics of steel-...