eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Technical Reports
Evaluation of Wheel/Rail Contact Mechanics: Concepts Report
Keywords: Roller Rig, Wheel-Rail Contact Mechanics, Rail Vehicle Dynamics, Contact Patch Dynamics, Wheel Forces and Moments
Abstract: A need exists for a new test rig design with advanced sensing technologies that will allow the railroad industry and regulatory agencies to better understand the wheel-rail...
Technical Reports
Load Environment of Rail Joint Bars—Phase II Joint Bar Service Environment and Fatigue Analysis
Keywords: Strain levels, joint bar fatigue analysis, residual stress, joint bar strength
Abstract: Detailed analysis of measured bending strains shows that the foundation deflections have the most significant effect on the magnitude of strains. All other factors, such as track...
Technical Reports
Comparison of FRA Regulations to International High-Speed Rail Standards
Keywords: 49CFR Transportation, international high speed rail standards
Abstract: This report compares international standards with selected parts of Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Code of Federal Regulation Title 49 CFR Transportation. The parts were...
Technical Reports
Load Environment of Rail Joint Bars – Phase I Effects of Track Parameters on Rail Joint Stresses and Crack Growth
Keywords: rail joint bars, insulated joints, joint failures
Abstract: The load environment of joint bars was assessed under a variety of loading and track conditions. Bending stresses, thermal stresses, and residual stresses were measured on...
Technical Reports
Measurement of Vertical Track Deflection from a Moving Rail Car
Keywords: Vertical track deflection, track deflection, rail deflection, track measurement system, vertical track modulus, track modulus, track stiffness, track geometry measurement
Abstract: The University of Nebraska has been conducting research sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration’s Office of Research and Development to develop a system that measures...