eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Analysis of Data from the First Wheel Experiment at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing: Final Report
Keywords: FAST, Freight Car Wheels, TTC
Abstract: The Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST), located at the Transportation Test Center near Pueblo, Colorado, is a joint government/ industry program for accelerated...
Technical Reports
Users' Manual for Program for Calculation of Kalker's Linear Creep Coeffecients
Keywords: Hertz Contact, Contact Patch, Contact Stress, Computer Program
Abstract: A program written in FORTRAN IV is described that uses the Hertz theory of rolling contact between two bodies and Kalker's linearized theory of creep to determine the geometry of...
Technical Reports
Wayside Energy Storage Study: Volume IV- Dual Mode Locomotive, Preliminary Design Study
Keywords: Electrified Railroads, Electric Locomotives, Diesel Lcocmotives, Regenerative Braking, Flywheels
Abstract: This is the fourth volume of a four volume report entitled the Wayside Energy Storage Study, which comprises the following volumes: Volume I, Summary; Volume II, Detailed...
Technical Reports
Postmortem Investigation of the Kansas Test Track, Volume II
Keywords: Structure Testing, Vibroseismic Testing, Penetrometer Testing, Trenching, Instrumentation
Abstract: The Kansas Test Track (KTT) was comprised of nine different track systems, which were founded on a designed embankment. The KTT subgrade experienced premature failure in-service,...
Technical Reports
VSS Demonstration Program: Part 2 - Model Development and Analysis
Keywords: Vertical Shaking System, TOFC, Wheel/Rail Interface, Vertical Input, Cross Level Input, Discrete Frequency Dwell and Decay, Cross-Coupling, Analytical Model Development
Abstract: The Vertical Shaker System (VSS) was the initial test program conducted at the Rail Dynamics Laboratory. The objectives of this program were to demonstrate the performance and...