eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Safety Life Cycle Program Assessment Task 3: FAST Data Analysis and Review
Keywords: FAST Program, Safety Assessment, Safe-life Technology
Abstract: The purpose of the overall program is to perform an assessment for the applicability of current safe-life technology to railroad vehicle systems and components. The effort is...
Technical Reports
Universal Safeguard Cab (Idler Locomotive Cab) Concept Development, Volume II: Demonstrator Alternatives and Implementation
Keywords: Human Factor Engineering, Cab Function Analysis, Cab Safety, Idler Cab, Locomotive Concept
Abstract: Volume II of this report presents analyses of seven different demonstrator configurations, four in the hi-rail dual mode, and three in the rail-bound mode. The examination of the...
Technical Reports
Railroads and the Environment: Estimation of Fuel Consumption in Rail Transportation- Volume III: Comparison of Computer Simulations with Field Measurements
Keywords: Fuel Consumption, Energy Usage, Train Performance Simulation, Computer Simulation
Abstract: This report documents comparisons between extensive rail freight service measurements (previously presented in Volume II) and simulations of the same operations using a...
Technical Reports
VSS Demonstration Program Part 1: System Performance Evaluation
Keywords: Vertical Shaker System, Trailer-on-Flatcar, TOFC, Wheel/Rail Interface, Vertical Input, Cross Level Input, Discrete Frequency Dwell and Decay, Cross-Coupling
Abstract: The Vertical Shaker System (VSS) is the initial test program to be conducted at the Rail Dynamics Laboratory. The Objectives of this program are to demonstrate the performance and...
Technical Reports
Test Results Report Metroliner Truck Improvement Program in Support of Test Request RR-254 : Volume 1
Keywords: Improved Metroliner Truck, Ride Quality Testing, Air Bag, Safety
Abstract: This report is divided into three volumes. Vol. I summarizes the testing procedures, describes the data reduction techniques and gives the results and conclusions. Vol. II...