eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Effects of Disclosure Requirements on Railroad Grain Transportation Contracts (Appendices)
Keywords: Grain Railroad Marketing, Efficiency Analysis, Rail Operations
Abstract: The Staggers Act of 1980 legalized confidential rail/shipper transportation contracts. Their acceptance by railroads and shippers is best demonstrated by the exponential growth of...
Technical Reports
Effects of Disclosure Requirements on Railroad Grain Transportation Contracts
Keywords: Grain Railroad Marketing, Efficiency Analysis, Rail Operations
Abstract: The Staggers Act of 1980 legalized confidential rail/shipper transportation contracts. Their acceptance by railroads and shippers is best demonstrated by the exponential growth of...
Technical Reports
Impact of Railroad Contracts on Corn, Wheat and Soybean Bids to Elevators and Farmers
Keywords: Grain Elevators, Rail Transportation, Staggers Rail Act of 1980
Abstract: This report presents the results of research conducted to determine the impact of destination and origin railroad contracts on grain bids to elevators and farmers. The impact of...
Other Reports
Operational Test Plan F4OPH/Banking Amcoach Cant Deficiency Test
Abstract: The objectives of testing the F4OPH and the prototype banking Amcoach at high cant deficiency are: o To evaluate the maximum safe curving speeds of the F4OPH diesel locomotive and...
Technical Reports
Special Bibliography Railroad Safety Reserach
Keywords: Track Design; Car Design; Locomotive Design; Control Systems; Life Cycle
Abstract: This Special Bibliography prepared from the magnetic-tape files of the Railroad Research Information Service, contains selections which were accessioned between 1973 and 1976....