eLibrary Search
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Other Reports
Wz Rating of Ride Quality Implementation for FRA/Amtrack Programs
Keywords: Ride Roughness, Mathematical Model, Research
Abstract: [From the study's description] The Wz method of rating the ride of a rail vehicle has been widely used in recent decades. This method applies a single number to describe the...
Technical Reports
Final Standards, Classification, and Designation of Lines of Class I Railroads in the United States Volume I
Keywords: Classification, Final Standards, Public Participation
Abstract: The Department has attempted to reconcile or explain apparent inconsistencies with the purpose and goals of the Act. The Final Report hopefully reflects the best judgment of the...
Reports to Congress
Study of Federal Aid to Rail Transportation
Keywords: Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976, RRRR, Funding, Economic Analysis
Abstract: [From the Introduction] This Report to the Congress was prepared in response to Section 902 of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform (RRRR) Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-210...
Technical Reports
Calculated Performance of the ASEA RC4A and Alsthom CC14500 Locomotive Hauled Amfleet Consists - New York to Washington, D. C.
Keywords: Northeast Corridor, Train Performance Calculator, New York, Washington, D.C.
Abstract: This report presents a description and the results of Train Performance Calculations performed to determine the performance of specific Swedish and French Locomotive Hauled...
Technical Reports
Materials Evaluation Study - Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program
Keywords: Subballast, Subgrade, Ballast Testing, Repeated Load Triaxial Testing, Thermal Regime Characterization, Conventional Railway Track Support System
Abstract: This report presents the results of Phase IV - Materials Evaluation Study, of the Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program. Emphasis is on characterizing the response of...