eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Response Analyses of a Boxcar with Compliant Lading for Several Track Profile and Hunting Conditions
Keywords: Freight Car Dynamic Response, Rock and Roll, FRATE, Freight Car Response Analysis and Test Evaluation
Abstract: The simulation in the FRATE computer program (Freight Car Response Analysis and Test Evaluation) was modified from a flexible TOFC (trailer on flatcar) to a rigid boxcar with...
Technical Reports
TOFC Lading Response Analysis for Several Track Profiles and Hunting Conditions
Keywords: Freight Car Dynamic Response, Trailer-on-Flat-Car, Rock and Roll, FRATE, Computer Program
Abstract: The computer program FRATE is a non-linear, time domain digital computer program developed under Federal Railroad Administration sponsorship for the purpose of studying freight...
Technical Reports
Summary and Generalization of the Conrail Electrification Study Results for Application to Other Railroads
Keywords: Cost Analysis, Economic Impact, Railroad Electrification
Abstract: The recent railroad electrification feasibility study of the Conrail line segment from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh is reviewed in this report. Approach to design and operational...
Reports to Congress
Issues and Dimensions of Freight Car Size
Keywords: Safety, Maintenance-of-Way, Derailment
Abstract: This study presents a review and evaluation of the relationships between the safety and efficiency of rail transportation and the size of railroad freight cars. The study...
Technical Reports
Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II: Analysis Plan
Keywords: Freight Car Truck Performance, Car/Truck Simulations, Linear/Nonlinear Modeling, Hunting, Curve Negotiation
Abstract: The purpose of this document is to set forth the Analysis Plan which will be followed in the Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II. The Analysis Plan defines the means...