eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Office Safety Checker for Moving Block Train Control Systems
Keywords: Office Safety Checker (OSC), Quasi-moving block (QMB), Full Moving Block (FMB), Interoperable Train Control (ITC), Positive Train Control (PTC), Centralized Interlocking (CIXL)
Abstract: As part of a project sponsored by FRA, TTCI developed and analyzed a concept for the Office Safety Checker (OSC) component of the Moving Block Office (MBO), a segment of a...
Technical Reports
Operational Performance and Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Analysis Model (OPRAM) Development
Keywords: Overlay Positive Train Control, Higher Reliability and Capacity Train Control, Enhanced Overlay PTC, Quasi-Moving Block, Full Moving Block, Reliability Availability and Maintainability, Operational Performance
Abstract: Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (MxV Rail) conducted a project for the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to complete the development of Operational Performance and...
Technical Reports
High-Strength, Reduced-Modulus, High-Performance Concrete for Prestressed Concrete Crosstie Applications
Keywords: Concrete, crosstie, weathered aggregate, granite, modulus
Abstract: High-performance concrete (HPC) with early strength development is the material of choice for fabricating prestressed concrete railroad ties. However, the higher strength of...
Safety Advisories
Safety Advisory 2023-04; High-Impact Wheels Causing Damage to Rails and Track
Keywords: Safety Advisory, high-impact wheels, Wheel Impact Load Detectors (WILD)
Abstract: This report characterizes the amplitude and wavelength content of the current track geometry environment of the United States railroad system and examines the combination of...
Safety Bulletins
Safety Bulletin 2023-06; Employee Amputation – Flat Switching, Kicking Operations and Securement
Keywords: securement protocols, kicking, training