eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document resides on an external site for the record of source, links to the document are provided in context but not in the library as FRA does not maintain this record. This document lives on another website.
- Document has not yet been assigned keywords.
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- Document is public affairs & policy related, such as press releases, speeches, testimony, or fact sheet. These press-related documents can now be found in the FRA Newsroom.
- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Experimental Determination of Release Fields in Cut Railroad Car Wheels
Keywords: Railroad wheels; Residual stress; Moire interferometry
Abstract: A new approach to the measurement of residual stresses in railroad wheels is investigated using a saw cut method of releasing stresses in the structure. High-sensitivity moire...
Technical Reports
Fire Safety of Passenger Trains Phase I: Material Evaluation (Cone Calorimeter)
Keywords: system safety; heat release rate; large-scale fire tests; small-scale fire tests; fire test methods; NIST; Cone Calorimeter; fire safety guidelines; fire modeling; fire hazard assessment
Abstract: As part of the passenger equipment rulemaking required by Congress, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has proposed that its existing fire safety guidelines be made...
Technical Reports
Railroad Wheel Residual Stress Detection Program- An Evaluation of Residual Stress in Cast Steel Railroad Wheels using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers (EMATS)
Keywords: EMAT; Piezoelectric; Ultrasonic
Abstract: A nondestructive testing (NDT) method to determine the residual stress in the rims of cast steel railroad wheels has been evaluated by the Association of American Railroads (AAR...
Other Reports
High-Speed Ground Transportation Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment
Keywords: Intercity Corridors, Maglev, Rail Technology, National Environmental Policy Act, HGST
Abstract: This manual provides procedures for the assessment of potential noise and vibration impacts resulting from proposed high-speed ground transportation (HSGT) projects, including...
Technical Reports
Distributions of Dynamic Wheel/Rails Under Heavy Axle Loads
Keywords: Heavy Tonnage Loop, HAL, TTC, Transportation Test Center
Abstract: Under the Heavy Axle Load (HAL) program funded by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), a test activity was initiated in 1997...