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Technical Reports
Modern Concrete Crosstie Practice in France and Mexico
Keywords: Concrete Crossties, Crosstie Fabrication, Failure Inducing Conditions, Performance Requirements, Concrete Constituent Analyses
Abstract: Considered briefly is the history of concrete crosstie development in France. Failure of some crossties in 1973 led to a determination of the failure modes and a rigorous analysis...
Technical Reports
VSS Demonstration Program: Part 2 - Model Development and Analysis
Keywords: Vertical Shaking System, TOFC, Wheel/Rail Interface, Vertical Input, Cross Level Input, Discrete Frequency Dwell and Decay, Cross-Coupling, Analytical Model Development
Abstract: The Vertical Shaker System (VSS) was the initial test program conducted at the Rail Dynamics Laboratory. The objectives of this program were to demonstrate the performance and...
Technical Reports
An Evaluation of Performance Requirements for Cross Ties and Fasteners
Keywords: Track Loading, Track Design, Concrete Cross Ties, Crossties, Track Components, Rail Fasteners, Steel Cross Ties, Tie Specification
Abstract: This report was prepared as part of the Improved Track Structures Research Program managed by the Transportation Systems Center. This program is sponsored by the Office of Rail...
Technical Reports
Summary Statistics of the National Railroad-Highway Crossing Inventory for Public At-Grade Crossings : Second Edition
Abstract: This report presents statistical summaries of characteristics for public grade crossings as of May 1978 to aid in funding allocation for future crossing improvements.
Technical Reports
Economics of Concrete- and Wood-Tie Track Structure
Keywords: Concrete Cross Ties, Crossties, Wood Ties, Track Components, Track Construction Costs, Cross Tie Economics
Abstract: This report presents results from an evaluation of the economic benefits of concrete- versus wood-tie track. The analysis includes the life-cycle capital, maintenance, and renewal...