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Technical Reports
VSS Demonstration Program Part 1: System Performance Evaluation
Keywords: Vertical Shaker System, Trailer-on-Flatcar, TOFC, Wheel/Rail Interface, Vertical Input, Cross Level Input, Discrete Frequency Dwell and Decay, Cross-Coupling
Abstract: The Vertical Shaker System (VSS) is the initial test program to be conducted at the Rail Dynamics Laboratory. The Objectives of this program are to demonstrate the performance and...
Technical Reports
Potential Means of Cost Reduction in Grade Crossing Motorist-Warning Control Equipment. Volume II. Comparison of Solid State and Relay Devices and Techniques
Keywords: Rail transportation, Warning systems, Electric relays, Solid state devices, Control equipment, Cost estimates, Circuits, Reliability, Maintainability, Railroad highway crossings
Abstract: Consideration is given to the properties of solid-state circuits, miniature relays and large gravity-operated relays when applied to control systems for grade crossings equipped...
Technical Reports
Potential Means of Cost Reduction in Grade Crossing Motorist-Warning Control Equipment Volume I: Overview, Technology Survey and Relay Alternatives
Keywords: Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings; Grade Crossing Warning Systems; Grade Crossing Signal Systems
Abstract: The results of a recent study of railroad-highway grade crossing warning system technology are presented. Emphasis in the investigation was placed on the determination of the...
Technical Reports
An Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Concrete Cross Tie and Fastener Loads
Keywords: Track Loading, Track Instrumentation, Track Design, Concrete Cross Ties, Track Components
Abstract: This report has been prepared as part of the Improved Track Structures Research Program sponsored by the Office of Rail Safety Research of the Federal Railroad Administration....
Technical Reports
Fracture Resistance and Fatigue Crack Growth Characteristics of Railroad Wheels and Axles
Keywords: Wheels; Axles; Carbon steel; Fatiuge; Cracks
Abstract: The effects of chemical composition, temperature and loading rates on the plane strain fracture toughness K sub I sub c of railroad wheels have been determined. Similarly, the...