eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Ride Quality Evaluation of High Speed Trains on the Northeast Corridor
Keywords: High speed rail, Cant deficiency, Safety, Tilt train, Lateral acceleration, Curving, Vehicle dynamics, Safety regulations, Ride quality
Abstract: This document contains the results of testing to characterize the ride quality of high speed rail passenger vehicles. The lateral and vertical acceleration and vibration of...
Technical Reports
Ride Quality Evaluation of High Speed Trains on the Northeast Corridor
Keywords: High Speed Rail, Cant Deficiency, Safety , Tilt Train, Lateral Acceleration, Curing, Vehicle Dynamics, Safety Regulations, Ride Quality
Abstract: A portable system to allow collection and analysis of carbody vibration data according to ISO standard 2631 was designed and built. This system allowed the FRA to record and...
Technical Reports
Summary of European High-Speed Rail Noise and Vibration Measurements
Keywords: Noise Vibration, Ground Borne Vibration, European High-Speed Trains
Abstract: Noise and ground-borne vibration measurements of European high-speed train operations were carried out during May 1995. The measurements were performed by the staff of Harris...
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Ground Transportation Systems: Technical Descriptions of Advanced Braking Systems for High Speed Ground Transportation
Keywords: High-Speed, Rail, Magnetic Leviation, Braking Equipment, Fault-tolerant, Fail-safe, FMEA, safety, failure modes
Abstract: The objective of this study is to develop qualitative and quantitative information on the various braking strategies used in high-speed ground transportation systems in support...
Technical Reports
Estimation of Actual Residual Stresses Due to Breaking and Contact Loading of Rail Vehicle Wheels
Keywords: Finite element; Rail vehicle wheels; Shakedown; Thermal stress
Abstract: A finite element formulation for shakedown stress analysis of rail vehicle wheels is presented, based on a hypothesis that the shakedown state is axisymmetric. The method can be...