eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Guided Ground Transportation Systems: Magnetic and Electric Field Testing of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Metrorail System. Volume 2. Appendices.
Keywords: Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF); Static (dc) Magnetic Field; Alternating Field (ac); Extremely Low Frequency (ELF); Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
Abstract: The 51 appendices contain a detailed reporting of the magnetic field characteristics measured onboard the WMATA Metrorail and near associated facilities. The data have been...
Technical Reports
Hazardous Materials Transportation in Tank Cars: Analysis of Risks- Part I
Keywords: tank cars; risk; population exposure; probability; poison by inhalation materials; accidents; consequence
Abstract: This report covers the development of a methodology to evaluate the potential national public risk arising from the transportation of hazardous materials in tank cars on US...
Technical Reports
Evaluation of Rail Rollover Derailment Study
Keywords: Gage widening behavior; 125-ton gondola cars & locomotives; Angle of attack; Truck Warp
Abstract: Research conducted by the Association of American Railroads at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Transportation Test Center, Pueblo, Colorado, led to an understanding of the...
Technical Reports
Safety of Vital Control and Communication Systems in Guided Ground Transportation. Analysis of Railroad Signaling System: Microprocessor Interlocking
Keywords: Microprocessor-based systems; interlocking system; central processing unit; integrated circuits
Abstract: The study has been conducted with the goal of gaining an insight into the issues of maintaining vital signal systems implemented with microprocessor chips and of making field...
Technical Reports
Safety of High Speed Guided Ground Transportation Systems: Magnetic and Electric Field Testing of the French Train A Grande Vitesse (TGV) Volume II- Appendices
Keywords: Electric and Magnetic Fields, Static Magnetic Field, Extreme Low Frequency, Train a Grande Vitesse, Electric Locomotive
Abstract: The safety of magnetically Levitated (maglev) end high speed rail (HSR) trains proposed for application in the United States is the responsibility of the Federal Railroad...