eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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- Document resides on an external site for the record of source, links to the document are provided in context but not in the library as FRA does not maintain this record. This document lives on another website.
- Document has not yet been assigned keywords.
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- Document is public affairs & policy related, such as press releases, speeches, testimony, or fact sheet. These press-related documents can now be found in the FRA Newsroom.
- Document is related to rules and notices. This information can now be found on the Rulemakings search and the Notices search, respectively.
Technical Reports
In-Vehicle Auditory Alerts Literature Review
Keywords: Highway-rail grade crossing, HRGC, in-vehicle auditory alerts, IVAA, auditory alerts, spatial auditory displays, human factors
Abstract: This literature review covers over 70 standards, research, and use cases on the design of in-vehicle auditory alerts (IVAAs) for highway-rail grade crossings (HRGCs).
Technical Reports
High Speed Rail: Cost of Compliance for Noise Mitigation Procedures
Keywords: High speed rail, noise, noise mitigation, noise regulation comparisons, cost of noise regulation compliance, noise reduction methods, cost, study, rolling stock, Northeast Corridor
Technical Reports
Comparison of Noise for TRAin STandards
Keywords: Contrast, spreadsheet, passby, high speed rail, noise regulation, rolling stock
Technical Reports
Fouled Ballast Waiver Operations and Results
Keywords: Fouled ballast performance, track geometry, degradation, trending, long-term wayside monitoring, waiver operations, enforcement modes, track, Autonomous Track Geometry Measurement System, ATGMS, track
Technical Reports
Secondary Impact Protection for Locomotive Engineers – Improved Airbag Design
Keywords: Airbag, anthropomorphic test device, crashworthiness, energy absorption, finite element analysis, injury indices, knee bolster, secondary impact protection, sled testing