eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II: Analysis Plan
Keywords: Freight Car Truck Performance, Car/Truck Simulations, Linear/Nonlinear Modeling, Hunting, Curve Negotiation
Abstract: The purpose of this document is to set forth the Analysis Plan which will be followed in the Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) Phase II. The Analysis Plan defines the means...
Other Reports
Northeast Corridor Improvement Project Electrifiction Systems Pantography Optimization: Phase I - Optimization by the Use of Computer Simulation
Keywords: Computer Program, High Speed Ground Transportation, Catenary System Plan
Abstract: The Catenary System Plan includes proposals to modify the style 1 catenary to allow trains to travel at 120 mph between Washington and New York. The modifications were chosen on...
Technical Reports
Northeast Corridor Improvement Project Task 205: Cab Signal/Automatic Train Control/Train Performance Recorder General Specification
Keywords: Cab Signal, Automatic Train Control, Train Performance
Abstract: This document defines the standards and general specifications for the cab signal/automatic train control/train performance recorder system to be installed on vehicles to be...
Technical Reports
Measurements of Wheel/Rail Loads on Class 5 Track
Keywords: Load Measurement Techniques, Flat Wheel Impact Loads, Rail Joint Impact Loads, Statistical Description
Abstract: Measurements have been made on two tangent test sections and a curved test section to characterize the wheel/rail load environment on Class 5 track. The tangent-track test...
Technical Reports
Evaluation of Signal/Control System Equipment and Technology: Task 3 - Standardization, Signal Types, Titles
Keywords: Track Circuits, Cab Signaling, Traffic Control Systems
Abstract: This report analyzes and summarizes current signal types and associated aspects, titles and indications employed by U. S. Railroads over which Amtrak operates as well as by...