eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Final Report - Guidelines for Testing of FRA Rear End Marking Devices
Keywords: guideline, rear end marking device
Abstract: The implementation of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 221 - Rear End Marking Device - Passenger, Commuter, and Freight Trains, requires the installation of certain...
Technical Reports
Structural Adequacy of Freight Car Truck Castings and Wheels
Keywords: Railroad cars, Freight cars, Fatigue(Materials), Castings, Wheels, Loads(Forces), Fatigue life, Cracking(Fracturing), Failure, Safety, Reliability, Standards, Fatigue strength at N cycles, Railroad trucks, Fatigue standards, Safety standards
Abstract: The structural adequacy of freight car truck castings and wheels to resist fatigue damage is reviewed. The environmental load data described in an earlier report under this...
Technical Reports
Innovative Concepts and Technology for Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Motorist Warning Systems. Volume I. Overview and Concept Generation and Analysis
Keywords: Railroads, Warning systems, Intersections, Highways, Traffic safety, Radar detection, Reliability, Traffic signals, Cost analysis, Transmitters, Detectors, Telecommunication,
Abstract: The document includes a general review of innovative conceptual and technical approaches to train-activated motorist warning systems for use at railroad-highway grade crossings,...
Technical Reports
Innovative Concepts and Technology for Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing Motorist Warning Systems, Volume I: Overview and Concept Generation and Analysis
Keywords: Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings; Grade Crossing Warning Systems; Grade Crossing Signal Systems
Abstract: This document includes a general review of innovative conceptual and technical approaches to train-activated motorist warning systems for use at railroad-highway grade crossings,...
Technical Reports
Rail Inspection Systems Analysis and Technology Survey
Keywords: Flaw, Ultrasonic, Magnetic, Automatic Data Processing, Nondestructive Testing
Abstract: This study was undertaken to identify existing rail inspection system capabilities and methods which might be used to improve these capabilities. Task I was a study to quantify...