eLibrary Search
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Accident Investigations
HQ-2018-1279 (Finalized)
Keywords: derailment, Norfolk Southern, Eden, AL
Abstract: Westbound Norfolk Southern Railway (NS) freight train 22QA104 (Train 1) with 3 locomotives and 72 cars (43 loads, 29 empty, 8,631 tons, 10,194 feet in length), derailed 25 cars at...
Eden, AL
United States
Technical Reports
PTC Test Bed Siding Signal Upgrade at the Transportation Technology Center
Keywords: Positive Train Control, PTC, PTC Test Bed, ElectroLogIXS/EC5, Electrified Electro Code Interface, Audio Frequency Train Activated Circuit II, AFTAC II, Switch Controller, Electro Cab 101, Cab Signal Generator, FC-101, Filter Coupler
Abstract: The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) contracted Transportation Technology Corporation, Inc. (TTCI) to continue work performed from February 2013 through December 2014 to...
Accident Investigations
HQ-2018-1266 (Finalized)
Keywords: derailment; BNSF Railway Company; Saginaw, TX; human factors
Abstract: At approximately 1:30 a.m., CDT, BNSF Railway (BNSF) derailed 18 railcars in the Saginaw, Texas Yard, at Milepost (MP) 351.4 on the Ft. Worth Subdivision. The switch crew handling...
Saginaw, TX
United States
Research Results
Full-Scale Shell Impact of a DOT-105 Tank Car
Keywords: DOT-105, tank cars, impact testing, puncture resistance, hazardous materials, hazmat, finite element analysis, FEA
Abstract: On April 27, 2016, FRA conducted a full-scale shell impact test of a DOT105A500W (DOT-105) tank car at the Transportation Technology Center (TTC) in Pueblo, CO. The shell of the...
Research Results
Impact Test of a Diesel Multiple Unit Fuel Tank
Keywords: Fuel tanks, finite element modeling, FE, diesel multiple unit, DMU, impact testing, puncture resistance, finite element analysis, FEA, passenger locomotive
Abstract: On June 28, 2016, the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) Office of Research, Development and Technology performed a dynamic impact test of a fuel tank from a Diesel...