eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Potential Means of Cost Reduction in Grade Crossing Automatic Gate Systems, Volume I: Overview and Low Cost RaiIroad/Hiqhway Grade Grossing Gate Systems
Keywords: Railroad/Highway Grade Crossing Gates; Gate Drive Mechanism; Arm Support; Gate Arm; Grade Crossing Gate Survey; Gate System Design Concepts; Gate System Model
Abstract: This report, Volume I of a two-volume study, examines the potential for reduction of the cost of installing and maintaining automatic gates at railroad-highway grade crossings. It...
Technical Reports
Potential Means of Cost Reduction in Grade Crossing Automatic Gate Systems, Volume II: Improved Gate Arm Concepts for Railroad/Hiqhway Grade Crossings
Keywords: Grade Crossing Protection; Automatic Gates; Impact Absorbing Gate Arms
Abstract: This report, Volume II of a two-volume study, examines the potential for reduction of the cost of installing and maintaining automatic gates at railroad-highway grade crossings....
Technical Reports
Train Generated Air Contaminants in the Train Crew's Working Environment
Keywords: Air Contaminants; Tunnels; Crew Environment
Abstract: This document contains data on the levels of air contaminants in the train crew's working environment. Measurements were made in locomotive cabs and cabooses of freight trains...
Technical Reports
Railroad Classification Yard Technology: A Survey and Assessment
Keywords: Railroad Classification Yard Technology; A Survey and Assessment; Yard Design; Operational Procedures; Hump Yards; Flat Yards; Train-Terminal interaction
Abstract: This report documents a survey and assessment of the current state of the art in rail freight-car classification yard technology. The major objective was the identification of...
Other Reports
Rail Transport Research Needs: Special Report 174
Keywords: Regulations, Planning, Operations, Management
Abstract: This report addresses the condition of rail transport and the problems in rail transport affairs that are both external and internal to the industry. These include policy,...