eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Theoretical Manual and Users' Guide for COMET-X
Keywords: Finite Elements, Stress Analysis, Computer Program, Fracture Mechanics
Abstract: COMET-X is the experimental prototype of an advanced finite element software system. The distinguishing feature of COMET-X is that the user controls the order of polynomial...
Technical Reports
Laboratory Investigation of Prestressed Concrete Crossties and Fasteners Manufactured in the U.S.S.R.
Keywords: Concrete Crosstie, Tie Fastener
Abstract: Soviet manufactured pre-stressed concrete crossties and fasteners were tested using AREA Bulletin 655 as a guide. The ties were subjected to the following tests: Rail Seat (...
Technical Reports
Lateral Stability of Ballast - Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program
Keywords: Ballast, Ballast Testing, Lateral Stability, Ties, Ballast Shoulder Railroad Track
Abstract: This report presents the results of the lateral stability study of the Ballast and Foundation Materials Research Program. Full-scale lateral stability tests were conducted with a...
Technical Reports
General Vehicle Test Instrumentation Manual
Keywords: Dynamic Vehicle Performance, Measuring Devices, Urban Rail Transit Cars
Abstract: A General Vehicle Test System (GVTS) has been developed by the Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts to facilitate rail transit vehicle testing at the...
Technical Reports
Handbook for Railroad Track Stabilization Using Lime Slurry Pressure Injection
Keywords: Railroad tracks, Soil stabilization, Calcium hydroxides, Injection, Subsurface investigations, Soil tests, Slurries, Safety engineering, Specifications, Handbooks
Abstract: This handbook includes chapters dealing with the technology of lime injection, surface and subsurface soil exploration and laboratory testing, environmental considerations and...