eLibrary Search
The FRA eLibrary contains all the documents that are found throughout the FRA Public Website. Multiple pages on the website may link to the same eLibrary item based on its set of metatdata.
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Technical Reports
Final Standards, Classification, and Designation of Lines of Class I Railroads in the United States Volume I
Keywords: Classification, Final Standards, Public Participation
Abstract: The Department has attempted to reconcile or explain apparent inconsistencies with the purpose and goals of the Act. The Final Report hopefully reflects the best judgment of the...
Technical Reports
Calculated Performance of the ASEA RC4A and Alsthom CC14500 Locomotive Hauled Amfleet Consists - New York to Washington, D. C.
Keywords: Northeast Corridor, Train Performance Calculator, New York, Washington, D.C.
Abstract: This report presents a description and the results of Train Performance Calculations performed to determine the performance of specific Swedish and French Locomotive Hauled...
Technical Reports
Design, Development, Fabrication, and Testing of a Synchronous Condenser for a High-Power Three-Phase Traction Drive
Keywords: Power-Conditioning Unit, Three-Phase Locomotive Traction, Direct Cooling
Abstract: This report documents the synchronous machine, referred to as a synchronous condenser, which, in the tracked levitated research vehicle (TLRV), provides line commutation for...
Technical Reports
Comparative Analysis of Dynamics of Freight and Passenger Rail Vehicles
Keywords: Rail Vehicle Dynamics, Computer Modeling, Random Track Geometry, Ride Comfort
Abstract: During the course of this contract, analytical studies have been conducted on several different rail vehicles typical of North American railroad operations mathematical models,...
Technical Reports
Evaluation of Analytical and Experimental Methodologies for the Characterization of Wheel/Rail Loads
Keywords: Track Loading, Track Degradation, Load Measurement Instrumentation
Abstract: This report has been prepared as part of the Improved Track Structures Research Program sponsored by the Office of Rail Safety Research of the Federal Railroad Administration. The...