eLibrary Search
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Technical Reports
Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Program (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Volume II - Appendices A-F
Keywords: maglev; TMLV; repulsion scheme
Abstract: This report summarizes the studies of a program to establish the technology of magnetic suspension for ultimate use in a passenger-carrying high-speed ground transportation (HSGT...
Technical Reports
Conceptual Design and Analysis of the Tracked Magnetically Levitated Vehicle Technology Program (TMLV). Repulsion Scheme. Executive Summary
Keywords: Vehicle Dynamics, Ride Quality, Superconducting Magnets, Guideway and Systems Analysis
Abstract: This report is an Executive Summary of FRA report 0R&D-75-21 which summarizes studies to establish the technology of repulsion magnetic suspension for ultimate use in a...
Technical Reports
DYNALIST II - a Computer Program for Stability and Dynamic Response Analysis of Rail Vehicle Systems : Volume I : Technical Report
Keywords: Rail Vehicle Dynamics, Rail Vehicle Stability, Ride Quality, Computer Modeling, Modal Synthesis
Abstract: A methodology and a computer program, DYNALIST II, have been developed for computing the response of rail vehicle systems to sinusoidal or stationary random rail irregularities....
Technical Reports
SOAC State-of-the-Art Car Engineering Tests at Depatment of Transportation High Speed Ground Test Center Final Test Report - Volume 1 Program Description and Test Summary
Keywords: Rail Transit Vehicle Testing
Abstract: This six-volume report presents the technical methodology, data samples, and results of tests conducted on the SOAC on the Rail Transit Test Track at the High Speed Ground Test...
Technical Reports
SOAC State-of-the-Art Car Engineering Tests at DOT High Speed Ground Test Center Final Test Report Volume II: Performance Tests
Keywords: Rail Transit Vehicle Testing
Abstract: This six-volume report presents the technical methodology, data samples, and results of tests conducted on the SOAC on the Rail Transit Test Track at the High Speed Ground Test...