eLibrary Search
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Other Reports
Evaluation of TDOP Test Data Final Report
Keywords: Freight Car Truck Performance, Data Analysis, Truck Design Optimization Project
Abstract: Samples from the test data collected in Phase II of the railroad freight car Truck Design Optimization Project (TDOP) are reviewed to determine their suitability for use in...
Technical Reports
Observations of In-Service Wear of Railroad Wheels and Rails Under Conditions of Widely Varying Lubrication
Keywords: Wheel Flange Wear, Rail Gage Face Wear, Wear Mode Model, Metallurgy:Lubrication Interaction
Abstract: Some of the wheel and rail wear results from the current test at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing are analyzed in the light of both adhesive and fatigue wear theories...
Technical Reports
Improvement of Railroad Roller Bearing Test Procedures and Development of Roller Bearing Diagnostic Techniques Volume I: Acceptance Test
Keywords: Tapered Roller Bearings, Bearing Defects, Certification
Abstract: Bearing defect data from 8,000 railroad roller bearings are analyzed to determine their defect modes and defect rate distributions. Cone bore growth, brinelling, and fatigue are...
Technical Reports
Mechanics of Ballast Compaction Volume 3: Field Test Results for Ballast Physical State Measurement
Keywords: Field Tests, Density, Bearing Test, Lateral Push Tie Test
Abstract: The important mechanical processes which influence the ballast physical state in track are tamping, crib and shoulder compaction and train traffic. Three methods of assessing...
Technical Reports
Analysis of Railroad Track Maintenance Expenditures for Class I Railroads 1962-1977
Keywords: Track Safety Standards, Track-Related Accidents, Train Speeds, Cost/Benefit Analysis
Abstract: This study investigates the decision-making process for railroad track maintenance (T/M) expenditures. The objectives are to (1) describe how Federal track safety standards have...