Analysis of Historical Non-Destructive Evaluation Probability of Detection Data for Railroad Tank Cars: Appendices A Through I
- Federal Railroad Administration
This appendices summarizes the number of observations, misses, hits, and false calls for each interval for fillet welds (FW) for all operators and for each nondestructive evaluation (NDE) method applied in Appendix A. Appendix B summarizes the median frequency of hits and misses for the distribution of cracks in butt welds (BW)for all operators and for each NDE method applied. Appendix C shows statistical probability of detection (POD) graphs for individual operator FWs. Appendix D shows statistical POD operator graphic BWs. Illustrations of design of experiments probability of detection (DOEPOD) plot FWs are provided in Appendix E. Appendix F illustrates DOEPOD plot BWs. DOEPOD summary tables for FW panels are found in Appendix G. Appendix H summarizes DOEPOD BW panels. Appendix I breaks down individual participants by different methods.
See Also: