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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Enhancement of Train Visibility

Document Series
Technical Reports
Federal Railroad Administration; John B. Hopkins
Report Number
Subject Grade Crossing Technology, Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Warning Systems, Highway-Rail Grade Crossings
Conspicuity, Highway rail grade crossings, Train collisions, Train visibility

The report describes a study of the most effective and practical means of enhancing the conspicuity of the trailing end of trains, in order to reduce the possibility of train--train collisions. There are five elements: (a) Definition of a usable number of categories of target, background, and ambient conditions which include the great majority of situations actually encountered; (b) estimation of the stimuli required for each category to increase significantly the detection probability for typical observers; (c) examination of all potentially feasible visibility aids in terms of these criteria; (d) determination of estimated costs, lifetime, and power consumption of techniques which appear promising in terms of effectiveness, and (e) delineation of alternative systems, consistent with one another, comprising a hierarchy of effectiveness and cost. Special deficiencies, advantages, and implications for policy which may be associated with particular realizations are indicated. The devices suggested as optimal include large areas of fluorescent material arranged in a distinctive pattern, retro-reflectors at each corner, and flash lamps of moderate intensity. Detailed specifications are given for such aids.

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Last updated: Saturday, September 1, 1973