Human Factors Guidelines for Intelligent Transportation Systems at the Highway-Rail Intersection: Technical Report
- Lerner, Jenness, Dinger, Huey and Llaneras
This technical report documents the development of a set of human factors guidelines to aid designers and implementers of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) at highway-rail intersections (HRIs). The focus was specifically on roadway user human factors issues. In addition to providing immediate benefit, the guidelines were also designed to serve as a resource and impetus for the development of consensus standards, approved practices, industry guidelines, and other more formal guidance. The set of potential human factors issues was derived from a review of existing literature and research studies, as well as contacts with experts and ITS implementers. The guidelines document was arranged in three major sections: Section 1 introduces the major issues and considerations that the guidelines address; Section 2 provides general human factors guidance for messages and displays; and Section 3 provides specific guidance for applications, including train arrival warnings, advance information about the HRI, enforcement and control of vehicles, and light rail transit. Each guidelines chapter beings with an introduction to the background and major issues of the application. Next, a set of human factors guidelines states is presented, along with supporting discussion and rationales for each statement.