Improved Concrete Crosstie and Fastening Systems for US High Speed Passenger Rail and Joint Corridors: Volume 2
- Federal Railroad Administration
This project used basic and applied research and experimentation to address the need for an improved railway crosstie and fastening system for high speed passenger and joint passenger and freight routes in the US. The effort provided answers several concrete crosstie and fastening system design and performance questions that apply to the US railroad industry. The results obtained from this effort will provide the rail industry with a better understanding of the factors that affect the performance of concrete crossties and fastening systems, an improved set of performance requirements for tie and fastener system design based on field and laboratory data, and a novel, mechanistic design approach to tie and fastener design. Volume 1 (the Project Summary Report) summarizes the activities and results from this research project. Volume 2 provides further detailed information regarding the major tasks completed for this project.
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