News Digest
FRA Develops Model State Legislation for Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Violations. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), in collaboration with various government, labor and industry stakeholders, has developed model state legislation intended to strengthen penalties for motorists who violate state traffic safety laws governing highway-rail grade crossings. If enacted by states, the law elevates certain traffic violations to misdemeanors and felonies if a motorist commits illegal activities at grade crossings, such as driving through, around, or under a crossing gate or barrier. The model law also proposes a penalty schedule based on whether there were passengers in a vehicle and if the violations resulted in bodily injury or death to other persons. In 2010, 260 people were killed and 845 were seriously injured at the nation’s nearly 138,000 public highway-rail grade crossings. Development of the model state legislation was required by the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008. The model legislation is available at . Contact: Brie Sachse (202) 493-6024.
Secretary LaHood Announces Award for Oklahoma City to South Texas High-Speed Rail Corridor. U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today awarded $5.6 million to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for planning and environmental work to advance the development of the Oklahoma City-South Texas Corridor. Future intercity passenger rail service will connect Oklahoma City, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and South Texas – some of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the nation. The analyses funded by the grant will examine future ridership and revenue forecasts, capital costs, environmental issues, and routing and station location options, among other important planning considerations. Earlier this year, Secretary LaHood announced a similar planning grant for high-speed rail service between Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston. The State of Texas is one of 32 states across the country currently laying the foundation for future high-speed rail service that will connect Americans more quickly, efficiently and safely than ever before. Contact: Brie Sachse (202) 493-6024.